Stockland, working in conjunction with the Sunshine Coast Regional Council, established the Community Benefit Fund and Stockland Aura Community Grants Program to provide financial support for local community groups to develop and deliver programs, initiatives and events which help to build vibrant communities that will thrive now and into the future.
The Stockland Aura Community Grants Program encourages community groups and organisations to apply for funding for one-off cash payments to support their contribution to the local community. Funds are available for projects that support local activities and services with outcomes focused in Caloundra North, Caloundra South or Glasshouse Country statistical areas. Grants fall into three tiers $1000 to $5000, $5001 to $10,000 and $10,001 up to $50,000.
We have made the application process as simple as possible so it should only take you around an hour to complete. It can be saved at any time and finished later. We ask that you review the Stockland Aura Community Grants Framework and the Terms and Conditions, along with some Frequently Asked Questions before commencing your application.